Yves Leterme Workshops


It’s not too late!

There’s still time to join us for the unique opportunity to study with renowned Belgian lettering artist Yves Leterme.

Mr. Leterme will offer 2 two day workshops.

I. Drawn Capitals & Modern Versals- March 14 & 15 (Sat. & Sun.)

II. From Formal to Gestural-lowercase Italic – March 16 & 17

                                                                                                  (Mon. & Tues.)

Cost for each 2 day workshop: NOLAA Members – $150

                                                  Non Members – $175

If registering for both workshops:  NOLAA Members $250

                                                         Non Members $300

The workshop location is 1445 MacArthur Blvd., Harvey, LA

Click here for Drawn Capitals & Modern Versals brochure

Click here for Formal to Gestural brochure

Click here for Leterme registration form

Click here for NOLAA Membership Form 2014-2015

Click here for WORKSHOP POLICY

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