2014 January Meeting

Write in White 1

The January meeting will be held at the East Bank Regional Library on January 11th.

                                     Meeting time is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM                             

Writing in White

We are excited to begin 2014 with a demonstration of writing in white.  Bring your paste paper from the November workshop and use it to write with white ink or gouache.

Writing in white is fun and dramatic.  It can be used with any hand from Foundational to Copperplate for novel results.

Be sure to bring along your latest work for all to enjoy at Scribe & Describe.

We will also hear about the upcoming Graceful Envelope Contest.

Materials List

Paste paper or any dark colored paper you may have

Dr. Martin’s Bleed Proof White or Pro White


White gouache

Any nibs & pen holders you like

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