2012 Fall Workshop
Hey Everyone! … This is NOLAA checking in !
I hope everyone has weathered the storm just fine…pun definitely intended! The thing is…
we have this amazing instructor coming for this exciting workshop in October. It will be fun AND challenging for anyone at ANY level.
If you’ve ever experienced a workshop with Carrie Imai, you know what an excellent teacher she is, always totally prepared with handouts and humour, all the while spreading laughter as you learn.
Many of us have endured a deja-vu experience with events 7 years apart. Hopefully, the losses are less severe, but a loss nevertheless. We know many have taken a financial hit, even though it may be just re-stocking the fridge from a loss of power.
In an effort to help, NOLAA has chosen to subsidize this tremendous workshop for its members. The $120.00 fee will be only $100.00 AND the guild will pay the materials fee. That’s a savings of $30.00!!!
Remember, the number is limited, so sign up NOW!
Best wishes to all…New Orleans Lettering Arts Association!